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Rechenschaftspflicht Definition

Accountability: A Key Principle of Data Governance Under the GDPR

What is Accountability?

Accountability is a fundamental principle of data governance that requires organizations to demonstrate compliance with all applicable data protection regulations, including the GDPR. Simply put, organizations must be able to prove that they are taking the necessary steps to protect personal data.

Key Components of Accountability

Accountability under the GDPR includes several key elements:

  • Organizations must have appropriate internal policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance.
  • Organizations must be able to demonstrate that they are adhering to these policies and procedures.
  • Organizations must be able to provide evidence of their compliance efforts, such as documentation and records.


Accountability is an essential aspect of data governance under the GDPR. By implementing robust accountability measures, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to data protection and build trust with stakeholders. Failure to comply with accountability requirements can result in fines and reputational damage. Organizations must prioritize accountability to ensure compliance, protect data subjects' rights, and maintain the integrity of their data protection practices.
